Thursday, 31 July 2014


Just ordered a very special book! :)

Wednesday, 30 July 2014


I went to the dentist today again. I’ve decided to get my teeth sorted out completely after I had a major toothache. The dentist where I go seems really nice too so that’s always good. It’s just a case now of following through with my appointments. I remember the awful experience I went through when I was a child at the dentist. That was the reason why I stopped going altogether lol.


Be calm.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

New Blog

If there’s one thing you remember, remember to be calm. Being calm is just so important. Life throws you so many different worries, concerns and problems, but if you’re calm, suddenly everything seems so much simpler. Suddenly your worries subside and your concerns seem ever so small.

It really is an amazing feeling to be calm and a feeling that everyone can use really. There are some people out there that I’d say actually need much more calm in their lives than others for definite. Calm brings in stillness, a sense of happiness and a sense of contentment. When you’re calm you really do feel just right.

Writing makes me feel very calm for example. I love to write because when I write I feel like I’m emptying myself of all my cares and worries. It feels good. Other people may like to do other things that help them in attaining calm and everyone’s different. Each and every person has a different thing that they may enjoy doing.

To me calm means not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions. To someone else it may indeed have another specific meaning and that’s fine. Calm does have a lot to do though with the absence of emotion. To give another example I really do feel very calm when I look at my cat.