Monday 23 March 2015

Christian Living in a Postmodern World

“You know how you’re always saying we can learn a spiritual lesson when bad things happen to us? Well, you’re about to get a spiritual lesson from Herb’s Towing and Collision and the Able Auto Insurance Company.”

In this part...

In Part IV, you discover what it means to live a Christian life in this busy, ultra-modern, wireless world that you and I live in. You find out what transformation a person experiences after deciding to become a Christian. You also examine how a Christian’s faith should go beyond Sunday morning and impact how he or she views life and lives from day to day.

Part IV also helps you navigate through some of the prickly issues that people bring up when considering Christianity, so put on some gloves! Building upon what I discuss in previous sections, I tell you why Christians believe God allows bad things to happen in a world he created, why “being good” isn’t good enough, why some Christians seem to be hypocrites, why Christians believe that Jesus’ salvation is the only way to heaven, and why Christianity isn’t anti-science.

I’m a Christian – Now What?

In This Chapter

Experiencing a transformed life

Getting involved with a church

Spending quiet time with God

Surrendering everything to the Lord

Living by faith

Taking on a Christian worldview

My middle son is a Tennessee Titans fan, in spite of the fact that I’m a diehard Denver Broncos nut and that we live in the heart of New England Patriots territory. Because he’s vastly outnumbered on this side of the United States, my son decided last year to sign up with the Tennessee Titans Kids Club, so he could team up with like-minded youth. With the membership, he receives his official membership card, a few player posters, a calendar, and, on his birthday, a card in the mail from the team. This year, however, when he received the nonpersonalized birthday card, my son took a look and said, “Dad, that’s the exact same one that I received from them last year.” But, ever the optimist, he spun it into a positive, smiling, “Oh well, at least they thought of me.”

Some people think that when you become a Christian, you’re joining a glorified fan club. Say you go to a Christian crusade or a local church rally, hear the gospel message, and make a sincere decision to follow Jesus Christ. When you go home that night, your life looks pretty much the same as you left it, and so you carry on business as usual. Oh, to signify the change, you may add one of those fish emblems to the back of your car and buy a new Bible, but your level of commitment remains at the fan club level, because you’re not sure what to do from there. Perhaps someone tries to contact you from the church or ministry, but because you’re never home, you end up just getting occasional letters – and perhaps even a birthday card – from them.
A genuine decision to follow Jesus Christ, however, is much different from joining the Titans Kids Club. In fact, it’s a life-changing experience! This chapter explores what exactly this transformation is and what it means to live out the Christian faith.

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