Thursday 31 December 2015


Everything comes gradually at its appointed hour.

Lao Tzu

In control of desires stillness is attained. In stillness the world is restored.

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Marie Curie

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

Jean de la Fontaine

By time and toil, we accomplish more than strength or rage ever could.

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Thomas a Kempis

He will easily be content and at peace whose conscience is pure.


In deep meditation the flow of concentration is continuous, like the flow of oil.

Monday 28 December 2015

Psalms 30:5

Weeping may endure for a night, but the morning brings a shout of joy.

Stephen Gardiner

It was only from an inner calm that man was able to discover and shape calm surroundings.

Sunday 27 December 2015


Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle.

Thomas Merton

Contemplation is the loving sense of this life, this presence and this eternity.

Saturday 26 December 2015

William Shakespeare

Things without remedy, should be without regard; what is done, is done.


Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.

Friday 25 December 2015

Thursday 24 December 2015

Marcus Aurelius

Withdraw into your inner self. The rational principle which rules there is content with itself when it acts justly, and so maintains its own tranquillity.

Lao Tzu

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.

Wednesday 23 December 2015


Few things are brought to a successful issue by impetuous desire, but most by calm and prudent forethought.

Vannevar Bush

Fear cannot be banished, but it can be calm and without panic; it can be mitigated by reason and evaluation.

Sunday 20 December 2015

Henry Van Dyke

Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, to work, to play, and to look up at the stars.

Marcus Aurelius

Nothing happens to any man which he is not formed by nature to bear.

Saturday 19 December 2015


No one outside ourselves can rule us inwardly. When we know this, we become free.

Maurice Maeterlinck

I count only the hours that are serene.

Friday 18 December 2015


Let us follow our destiny, ebb and flow. Whatever may happen, we master fortune by accepting it.

Eleanor Roosevelt

It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Joseph Addison

Our real blessings often appear to us in the shapes of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience, and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.

George Herbert

Be calm in arguing; for fierceness makes error a fault, and truth discourtesy.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

St Francis de Sales

Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit.

William Hazlitt

Those who are at war with others are not at peace with themselves.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Frances Wilshire

Relaxation comes from letting go of tense thoughts.

James Thurber

Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.

Sunday 13 December 2015

George Gissing

For the man sound in body and serene of mind there is no such thing as bad weather; every sky has its beauty, and storms which whip the blood do make it pulse more vigorously.

Martin Luther

Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul.

Thursday 10 December 2015

Mother Teresa

Be happy in the moment - that's enough. Each moment is all we need - not more.

Martin Luther King Jr

Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek but a means by which we arrive at that goal.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Meister Eckhart

A free mind is one which is untroubled and unfettered by anything.

King Alfred of Wessex

If you have a fearful thought, do not
Share it with someone weak:
Whisper it to your saddle-bow, and
Ride on singing.

Tuesday 8 December 2015


Inward calm cannot be maintained unless physical strength is constantly and intelligently replenished.

James Allen

Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.

Monday 7 December 2015

Washington Irving

There is a serene and settled majesty to woodland scenery that enters into the soul and delights and elevates it, and fills it with noble inclinations.

St Francis de Sales

Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself.

Sunday 6 December 2015

Henry David Thoreau

You cannot perceive beauty but with a serene mind.

Calm thoughts & quotations for every day

'Keep your face to the sunshine and you will never see the shadow'
Helen Keller

With motivational words and profound thoughts from writers, spiritual leaders and philosophers, this collection of quotations will soothe the mind and heart and make a real difference to every day.

Nothing is worth more than this day.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Saturday 5 December 2015


As ignorance is bliss, enlightenment is sometimes a burden.

Remember to keep a balance

Just as it is poisonous to become a slave to material life you can lose grounding in the realities of survival in modern times. Rent isn't the philosophy of sages but it does provide your shelter. Don't become so lost in fantasy that you cease to engage with the real world.

Don't pressure yourself

Doing tiring exercise is not a good way to calm your nerves. Do slow and gentle activities like yoga. It'll help to soften your muscles, relieve you from exasperation, and free your mind.

Friday 4 December 2015

Relax and breathe

Always remember the stressful incidents will make you stronger.

Stressful situation

If you're in a stressful situation and feel the need to be calm, simply just walk away take time to sink in all the thoughts before you can retreat anything.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Things you love

Do things you love.


A good way that I always find soothing, is to do what you love. For example: Running, singing, baking, listening to music, reading, etc. Just be yourself and everything will turn out just fine.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Looking back

Don't look back because you're never going to see what is in front of you. So accept, and just move on.


Talk to your friend or anyone you are close to, it really helps.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Pertaining to religion

Do not dismiss your beliefs, but always consider you are not correct. With thousands of religions in the world, at least a few are guaranteed to be untrue. Sometimes letting go of dogma welcomes a spectrum of new and exciting ideas and brings more calm into your life when you don't feel compelled to react defensively all the time.

Stressful situation

If you are in a stressful situation and feel the need to be calm just simply walk away from the problem or take ten seconds to breath deeply and let all the thoughts sink in, before you can regret anything.

Monday 30 November 2015

Take a break

Ask yourself what the older and wiser version of yourself would do.

Keep an open mind

Closed, calculating minds are the root of ignorance. Nothing changes if all minds are certain - remember that people once believed the world to be flat.

Sunday 29 November 2015

Drink some chamomile tea

It is always good to calm your muscles down.

Feeling angry

If you're feeling angry or upset, just count to ten and take deep breaths. Then make yourself some cooling herbal tea or chilled water and take yourself to another place to sit still and allow your imagination to take over.

Saturday 28 November 2015

Brink of crying

If you feel yourself on the brink of crying with anger or slapping someone, imagine yourself on a beach in the sun or swimming in a calm lake on a warm sunny day, or some other favourite thought. The gentle thoughts should bring back dignity.

Never impose on other people

Though you may feel uplifted and enlightened by your new realizations, most people remain stuck in the cycle of the mainstream working/family/business life. They have not yet or will never have the chance to see above it and many will work actively to convince themselves that being calm is not for them.

Friday 27 November 2015

Effortless effort

Leaving the mind to settle on its own is the best way - effortless effort.

Keep perspective

There are always worse situations so count your blessings.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Play with kids or pets

Kids and pets are the best at knowing how to loosen up and have fun. If you're having trouble relaxing, find some kids or animals to hang out with. They'll appreciate a playmate and you'll get to join in on their joyful experience of life!

Play a game

Video games, board games, and card games are great for letting us give our brains a break. Do whichever of these you have access to in order to calm yourself down. It works even better if you play with friends and family, becausr then you get to make each other laugh! 

If you're by yourself, video games and games like solitaire are probably best.

If you're looking to play games with other people, a round of Apples to Apples always brings a smile to everyone's face!

Wednesday 25 November 2015


Exercise lets us work out energy and tension, allowing us to calm down significantly. It also makes us healthier and feel better generally. You don't have to go lift a bunch of weights or anything either! Just do some squats or take a quick jog around the block!

Classical music

Classical music is good for calming down. Debussy wrote many calming pieces that are great for relaxing. You can also listen to modern music that's calming. Enya is a popular option. If you want to skip music in favour of calming sounds, try, which generates a seamless stream of natural sounds or music.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Listen to music

Music has a very relaxing effect on how we think. If you’re having a hard time calming down, try some calming music. Avoid music with harsh sounds or fast tempos, even if it’s music you really like, because this music can actually add to your stress! Just listen to calm music when you’re trying to calm down.


Meditation is a great way to relax. This is where you find yourself a peaceful spot to sit down and turn your thoughts inward, to the quietest corner of your mind. Try to focus on the natural sounds around you and let all your worries flow out of your mind.

You don’t need to say “ommm,” you don’t need to light incense...all you have to do is think in a way that slows you down and calms you down!

Sunday 6 September 2015


Another good place to get started is to try aromatherapy baths - see How to take an aromatherapy bath for more options.


You can also try dabbing on a perfume or spraying a lovely room scent.

Saturday 5 September 2015


You can have a massage, a foot rub that uses these oils.

Try aromatherapy solutions

Aromatherapy has proven benefits in the realm of calming and the use of particular essential oils can help to bring about a state of calmness after a period of stress and agitation. This field is quite complex and it's a good idea to read through a good aromatherapy reference if you're keen to find ways to induce calmness through aromatherapy.

Friday 4 September 2015

Calm down when it matters

If you're having a conflict with someone or you struggle to stay calm in the moment, you'll need to work on being a little more chill or at least find healthy ways to immediately release the feelings that you have. Being more communicative and good about telling people how you feel when you feel that way is a great start. If you can't do that or it's not appropriate, try singing yourself a song in your head.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Stay away from drama

Drama with the people in our lives is another source of serious stress. Make sure to keep drama-causers out of your life. You should also work hard to not cause drama. Work on communicating clearly and be patient with people. Give people the benefit of the doubt. And when people cause one too many dramatic situations with you, just make sure their in your life as little as possible.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Checking your email

One way a lot of people lose a lot of time during the day is to checking their email. Have specific email times, just two or three times a day, and do not check your email in between.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Stop procrastinating

Procrastination is one of the biggest sources of stress in our lives. If you can learn to just get things done early or at least on time, you'll find yourself a lot more calm. This, of course, means focusing when things are supposed to be getting done and save distractions for later!

Monday 31 August 2015

Your grandma

Think of how your grandma would react. As we get older, we usually get a lot calmer. This is usually because we have hard problems in our life that we got through just fine and we know that this one will be okay too. Try and apply this kind of thinking to the situation you have now. If your grandma would laugh and just keep moving, then you should do the same.

Sunday 30 August 2015


Keep some perspective. Think about the situation that's happening around you and think about how it affects your life. Is it really as big a deal as it seems or is it really only going to set you off a little. Compare it to other problems that people might have, like getting cancer or having your house flood. Is it really that big a deal? No? Then don't sweat it. Learning to let the small things slide off of you can really make a huge difference in how you experience your life.

Saturday 29 August 2015


Waiting until the next day to talk to someone who upsets you, for example, can be really good. You'll have the chance to calm down and you'll be better able to defend and express yourself.

Friday 28 August 2015


Hold in your reactions. When you feel like you want to react to a situation, hold in the tears or shouting. Think about how you feel before you let yourself react. Once you start, it's easy to snowball into a bigger reaction than the situation is really worth. Don't battle your emotions but do think of a better way to express them or save them until you are in a better, safer place.

Thursday 27 August 2015

Slow down your life

Many people try to push, push and make for the exit even before the door is open (both in the metaphorical sense and not). Consider all the times when a plane lands and everyone rushes to get off but all they do is end up standing in a queue. Know when it's really important to hurry and when it's okay to slow down. You'll find that for most situations, it's okay to slow down.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Slowing down

Slowing down will also let you do things more thoroughly so that you can get them right and do them well the first time around. This will save you even more stress later on.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Think about things

Think about things before you start worrying. Most of the time, it is okay to not worry. Most of the time the news, the rumours, the negativity, the volatility, the insane highs and lows of human systems are just noise. Listen to too much of it and you sink into the mire of the rat race, ever running somewhere without a clear map forward. That will create intense disquiet and unease in your life. The wise person knows what to read, who to listen to and when to ignore the rumours (most of the time). The wise person is calm because the wise person accesses knowledge and knows how to use it for betterment of life. Responding to sensationalism and fear is "so yesterday" for the wise person.

Monday 24 August 2015


If you're still having trouble being patient, you might just need to practice more. Start by trying to be patient with small things, like waiting in line at the grocery store. Distract yourself by reading all of the headlines on the trashy magazines in the checkout line. Work your way up to more challenging areas in your life, like road rage or dealing with your kids.

Sunday 23 August 2015


If you catch yourself wanting to rush to do something, stop and evaluate the situation. Will someone die if you don't get what you need right now? If not, consider that stressing about this situation will only make your life worse and might even impair your judgement.

Saturday 22 August 2015

Be patient

Be patient. Patience is the begetter of calm. Impatience is the source of agitation and turbulence. Impatience says "I want it NOW" and when "it" doesn't appear now, you're liable to lose your temper and let the blood pressure rise. Impatience is often linked to unreasonable expectations about the world and other people (you expect too much of both yourself and of other people) and is often linked to perfectionism, which allows of no space to make errors or slow down. A calm person, on the other hand, is fully aware that errors occur sometimes and that speeding things up is liable to bring on errors, not alleviate them.

Friday 21 August 2015


When you feel yourself getting angry at someone that hurt you, try to stop and think. Breathe slowly for a second. Does being angry make your life better? Does the hate you feel make you happy? Would the people that really love you want you to keep suffering like this? The answer to all of these questions is "no"... so release those negative feelings and seek out positive ones instead.

Thursday 20 August 2015

Remind yourself

Remind yourself that when you forgive, you remove the toxic feelings from life; it is not about condoning what another person did but it is about no longer letting that person's actions run your outlook on life.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

A sense of calm

Forgiveness nurtures a sense of calm because you no longer spend a big part of your life resenting other people.

Tuesday 18 August 2015


Forgiveness allows room for kindness and self liberation.

Monday 17 August 2015


Never hate, feel a need to avenge or see ghosts in every shadow.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Old grudges

Do not hold on to old grudges, be bitter and fuel constant anger so that you can get rid of inner turmoil that chains you to reliving past hurts. Do you really enjoy lugging that ball and chain around?

Saturday 15 August 2015


Forgive so that you can let go of discontent and internal war

Friday 14 August 2015

Thursday 13 August 2015

You are valuable

Know how valuable you are. Remind yourself daily of the virtues, strengths and beauty that you bring into the world.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Everyone makes mistakes

Remember that everyone makes mistakes. If everything worked out immediately and you just got everything you wanted all at once, what would be the point of living?

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Negative talk

When negative talk wells up, remind yourself that you matter and deserve respect and that such negative self talk hasn't got a place in your life.

Saturday 8 August 2015

Friday 7 August 2015


Never feel self-criticism, self-loathing or a lack of self-trust.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Negative tone

Never take a negative tone with yourself and be your own unkindest critic.

Monday 3 August 2015


Cilla was a supporter of the NSPCC - pictured here talking to the Duke of York at their winter ball in 2002. 


The Prince of Wales also met the star in 2001 at the 50th anniversary of BBC Radio 4's 'The Archers' - pictured here also with the late actress Wendy Richard.

Cilla Black

In 2000, Cilla Black received an honorary fellowship from Liverpool John Moore's University from Chancellor Cherie Blair.  

Cilla Black

Cilla Black's close friendship with Paul O'Grady was well documented - O'Grady had the pleasure of presenting on ITV programme entitled 'The One and Only Cilla Black' in 2013. Speaking to the Liverpool Echo on the day of her passing, he said he is 'left heartbroken' and that Cilla was 'like a sister'.

Cilla Black

Police in Estepona have stated that they are not authorised to give out any more information at this time but have been quoted saying 'everything at this stage is pointing towards her death being the result of natural causes'.


Cilla is survived by three sons - Robert (pictured here on his wedding day), Jack and Ben. 


Cilla was sadly widowed in 1999 when her husband Bobby Willis passed away after a battle with liver and lung cancer just aged 57.


Her wonderful presenting talent was recognised in 1997 when Cilla was awarded a Top ITV Personality Award at the British Comedy Awards.

Cilla Black

Cilla Black was also famous for presenting hit ITV programmes 'Blind Date' (pictured here on the launch day of the show in 2001) and 'Surprise Surprise'.


On January 25 1969, Cilla married her manager Bobby Willis at a registry office in London.


In 1966, comedians Dudley Moore and Peter Cook were joined by popular singer Black in a sketch.

Cilla Black

Cilla Black rehearsing for ABC's 'Thank Your Lucky Stars' alongside Brian Matthew, The Beatles (back), Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas, Gerry and the Pacemakers and The Searchers in 1963. 


Black was most famous for hits such as 'Anyone Who Had A Heart', 'You're My World' and 'Alfie'.


The Cavern Club - where Cilla had her first job as a part-time cloakroom attendant and would often delight the crowds with her singing - paid tribute to the star following her death. It was at the club in Liverpool that Priscilla White was first noticed by Brian Epstein who later signed the young singer. 

Cilla Black

Former singer and television actress Cilla Black has died at her home in Spain on August 2 2015, aged 72. Click through our gallery of her life in pictures.

The Liverpudlian lived in Estepona on the Costa del Sol where local police confirmed the death of 'British national Priscilla White'
(pictured: Cilla with her OBE in 1997)

Cilla Black: Britain Mourns A Showbiz Icon

Spanish police are reportedly investigating whether Cilla Black died after a fall at her Costa del Sol villa, as tributes to the late singer and TV presenter continue to pour in.
Sky's Enda Brady, who is outside the 72-year-old star's home in Estepona, said: "What a lot of people in the area are saying is that Cilla arrived here on Friday with her son Robert for a brief holiday.
"She had only been here one day, she went for a siesta Saturday afternoon and when she didn't come down from her bedroom her son went looking for her and he basically broke the door down and found his mother dead.
"That's what all the local reports are saying."
Some reports have claimed that the star may have died after a fall from a dizzy spell, caused by a sudden temperature change in a room at her villa but this has not been confirmed.
The death of the former pop star and TV presenter was announced on Sunday.
A post-mortem examination will be carried out, although early indications suggest Black - who suffered from hearing problems and arthritis - died of natural causes.
Brady said there would be no results on Monday.
In a statement, Black's publicist Nick Fiveash said: "It is with deep sorrow that I confirm today the passing of singer and TV personality Cilla Black.
"Details of her death will be announced following the coroner's report. Her family have asked for their privacy to be respected at this time."
Friends of the star have spoken about how she knew her health was deteriorating and had spoken about missing her late husband and manager Bobby Willis, who died in 1999.
The former Beatle Paul McCartney, who wrote Black's debut single, Love of the Loved, along with John Lennon, said: "Such a shock to hear about Cilla's passing.
"She was a lovely girl who infected everyone with her great spirit.
"From first meeting her as a cloakroom girl at the Cavern in Liverpool, to seeing her many times since, she always had a fun loving dignity that made her a great pleasure to be around.
"She had a fine distinctive voice and was always a bit of a laugh. It was a privilege to know and love her."
Prime Minister David Cameron said: "Cilla Black was a huge talent who made a significant contribution to public life in Britain. My thoughts are with her family."
The Liverpool-born star shot to fame in the 1960s with the Number One singles Anyone Who Had A Heart and You're My World.
She went on to present the hit television programmes Surprise Surprise and Blind Date, which ran for 18 years.
Born Priscilla Maria Veronica White, Black began her career as a part-time cloakroom attendant at the famous Cavern Club in Liverpool, where the Beatles regularly played.

Huntress sparks outrage over latest photos of animal kills

Hated huntress Sabrina Corgatelli is joyously posting photos of her latest kills on social media despite the international outcry over the illegal killing of beloved Cecil the lion.
"My Impala I got today!! What a beautiful animal!" the Idaho State University accountant posted on Facebook on Friday.
The accompanying photo shows Corgatelli, with braided hair and a grey cap and T-shirt, sitting over a dead medium-sized African antelope.
Corgatelli appears to be in middle of a hunting trip in South Africa where she has already shot down a giraffe, impala, kudu, warthog and wildebeest.
Hundreds of outraged online commenters have slammed her sickening kills.
"You are the definition of disgusting," Emily Kapp posted on Corgatelli's public Facebook page. "So heartless it infuriates me."
But Corgatelli has no plans on ending the hunt.
On Saturday, she posted two lines from the Bible.
She cited Genesis 9:3: "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything."
Online followers were not allayed.
"So did the giraffe taste good," asked Lynn Latimer. "There is nothing about you or your life represents anything godly … you are soulless."
The big-game stalker also cited Genesis 27:3: "Now then, take your weapons, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field and hunt game for me."
In one post, Corgatelli thanked "Old Days Safari" for helping her bag the wild animals.
The company charges separate prices for different animals. The costs range from $400 for an ostrich to $3,100 for a mountain zebra.

Daughters to inherit $20 million - if they stick to dad's rules

When New York landlord Maurice Laboz died at the beginning of the year, he wasn't quite ready to give up deciding what was best for his family. The 77-year-old had a $37 million (£23.7 million) fortune to play with, so he devised a bizarre will that allows his daughters to inherit $10 million (£6.4 million) each - as long as they follow his exacting rules.
The New York Post reported that the girls will both get the money when they hit the age of 35, but they can get their hands on some of the cash earlier if they do what he wants.
His daughter Marlena, aged 21, will get $500,000 (£320,000) of the money when she gets married. However, before she gets a penny, her husband must sign a contract saying he will never touch the money. She will also get $750,000 (£480,000) after graduating from a good university - as long as she writes a statement outlining what she intends to do with the money.
When the girls finally start work, according to The Metro, both Marlena and her sister Victoria (17), will get an annual payout of three times their salaries. If they choose to have children and stay at home they'll get 3% of the money every year instead. However, if they have that child out of marriage they won't get the payment.
They'll also get the annual 3% if they stay at home and look after their mother Ewa (58). Ewa was in the middle of divorcing her husband, and received nothing in the will.
It's a very strange way to try to control the actions of your children beyond the grave, but while it's highly unusual, it has been done before.
Control from beyond the grave
The college requirement is more common in the US, with some parents writing into their wills that children have to attain a particular grade at College before receiving a payout. The idea of matching income is also increasingly popular among the mega-wealthy, who don't like the idea of their children sitting around doing nothing.
However, there are also a variety of truly bizarre requirements that have been written into wills. Henry Budd was an early pioneer of the strange controlling bequest. When he died in 1862 he left his £200,000 estate in trust to his two sons - on the condition that neither grow a moustache.
Frank Smith, from Romsey in Hampshire, died in November 1942. His will stated that his daughter should receive everything - as long as she left her 'immoral husband'. If she continued living with him, or allowed him to benefit from the inheritance, the whole lot would be given to the Treasury.
Leona Helmsley, the American business woman called the 'Queen of Mean', caused enormous controversy with her will, by leaving millions to her dog and cutting some family members out of her will. However, she also left $5 million to each of her two grandchildren, with a further $5 million in trust. To get the money left in trust they would have to visit their father's grave every calendar year. If they failed to do so, the rest of the trust would be forfeited.
Chicago dentist Max Feinberg, meanwhile, died in 1986, leaving a trust that would pay out each year to his grandchildren. However, he stipulated that any child who married outside the Jewish faith - or whose spouse didn't convert within a year - would be disinherited. The grandchildren sued, but the will was upheld by the Illinois Supreme Court.

Clampdown As '70% Of Calais Migrants Reach UK'

Illegal immigrants face a tough life in the UK, they are being warned, as figures suggest as many as 70% of migrants in Calais are making it to Britain.
Under new measures designed to put off would-be asylum seekers from coming to the UK, the Government has announced that landlords who fail to evict migrants who do not have the right to live in Britain could be jailed for five years.
Private landlords will also be able to evict illegal immigrants without a court order, in a move the Government says will make it easier for property owners to remove migrants whose visas expire.
A new criminal offence of repeatedly failing to conduct checks or remove tenants with no right to reside in Britain will carry maximum penalties of five years' imprisonment.
Rogue landlords or letting agents who break the law will be blacklisted to allow councils to keep track of them - and potentially ban them from renting properties.
The Government argues the measures, which will apply only in England, will make it harder for illegal migrants to remain in the country.
It comes as research by the French authorities, which has been passed to the Home Affairs Select Committee, estimates seven in ten people "processed" in Calais leave within a four-month period.
It potentially indicates that as many as around 3,500 of the estimated 5,000 migrants in Calais could be making it across the Channel.
Kent Police chief constable Alan Pughsley said: "They cannot ascertain whether these migrants leave to go elsewhere in France, or whether they enter the UK.
"Either way, their figures identify a transient migrant population."
It has also been reported that Kent County Council is paying some tax drivers £150 to drive some teenage migrants who have arrived in Dover to homes in London because the county has run out of foster homes.
Communities Secretary Greg Clark said the new measures will "crack down on rogue landlords who make money out of illegal immigration".
"In future, landlords will be required to ensure that the people they rent their properties to are legally entitled to be in the country," he said.
"We will also require them to meet their basic responsibilities as landlords, cracking down on those who rent out dangerous, dirty and overcrowded properties."
On Sunday the Home Office confirmed it would strip benefits from failed asylum seekers. At present they are entitled to be housed and claim £36.95 a week.
Immigration minister James Brokenshire said it was an attempt to show the UK was not a "land of milk and honey".
However, there have been concerns that desperate people who have fled homes in war torn countries could be difficult for landlords to evict and fears over where the dispossessed illegal immigrants will go.
The Government has also pledged to pay for 200 extra private security guards, additional fences and more CCTV in Calais to boost security.
David Cameron has also promised to send extra sniffer dogs to Calais, and use military land in England's South East to ease traffic congestion in Kent.
France is also sending police reinforcements as part of new measures agreed with Britain.
Hundreds of migrants tried to storm the Channel Tunnel in the early hours of Sunday morning, breaking through fencing before riot police arrived.
Questions have been raised about Britain's response to the crisis, with some arguing the UK's labour laws are to blame for the growing number of migrants trying to cross the Channel.
Former French employment minister Xavier Bertrand, who is running for mayor in the Calais region, told Sky News: "They (migrants) don't want to stay in Calais.
"They want to go to England to find a job because they know it is possible to work without an identity card.
"In England, you have to change your policy."
The UK had only the seventh highest number of asylum applications in Europe in April this year, the latest figures show. While 1,960 people applied for asylum in the UK, 5,650 applied for asylum in France.
Home Secretary Theresa May and France's Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve have called on the EU to step in to help Britain and France find a long-term solution to the "global migration crisis".

Sir Edward Heath named in child sex abuse investigation

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is to investigate Wiltshire Police's handling of an alleged claim of child sexual abuse made about former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath. 
The probe was launched following allegations that were made about the force's handing of the original investigation, which dates back to the 1990s.
The complaint is understood to have been made by a retired senior police officer. Wiltshire Police is now appeal for anyone who thinks they might have been a "victim" to come forward.
An IPCC spokesman said: "It is alleged that a criminal prosecution was not pursued, when a person threatened to expose that Sir Edward Heath may have been involved in offences concerning children.
"In addition to this allegation, the IPCC will examine whether Wiltshire Police subsequently took any steps to investigate these claims."
A Wiltshire Police spokesman said: "Following the announcement today regarding an independent investigation by the IPCC into allegations concerning how Wiltshire Police handled an alleged claim of child sex abuse made in the 1990s, we are carrying out enquiries to identify if there are any witnesses or victims who support the allegations of child sex abuse.
"On becoming aware of the information, Wiltshire Police informed the IPCC and later made a mandatory referral. The IPCC investigation will specifically consider how the force responded to allegations when they were received in the 1990s.
"Sir Edward Heath has been named in relation to offences concerning children. He lived in Salisbury for many years and we would like to hear from anyone who has any relevant information that may assist us in our enquiries or anyone who believes they may have been a victim.
"We are working closely with the NSPCC to ensure that any victims are appropriately supported. They provide trained helpline counsellors to listen and provide assistance.
"We take all reports of child abuse, either current or that occurred in the past very seriously. Victims will receive support throughout any investigation and associated judicial process.
"If there is evidence of offences having been committed we will ensure that , if possible, those responsible are held to account through a thorough and detailed investigation. This includes any other parties who are identified as having been involved in child sex abuse.
"Some people may never have spoken out about the abuse they have suffered but we would urge them to please contact us and to not suffer in silence."
Sir Edward Heath was leader of the Conservative Party from 1965 to 1975 and was Prime Minister between 1970 and 1974. He retired from Parliament in 2001 and died four years later in 2005.
Wiltshire Police and Crime Commissioner Angus Macpherson said: "Wiltshire Police referred the allegations to the Independent Police Complaints Commission, and advised my office of the referral.
"The progress of this investigation has been monitored by my office at every stage and I am satisfied that the necessary momentum and engagement with the IPCC has been maintained by Wiltshire Police since the information was received.
"It is important that the IPCC investigation is given full co-operation. I will be watching closely to see if any evidence of corruption or poor practice is uncovered.
"My priority as Commissioner is to put the interests of victims at the heart of everything we do, as well as holding the Force to account for its performance.
"I would like to encourage any victims, or anyone with information which could help the investigation, to have the confidence and courage to come forward.
"We have often seen from high profile national cases that victims, who have not spoken of their abuse for many years, find their voice and speak out. I want any victims of child sex abuse, whether current or historic, to know they can have confidence in the service they will receive from Wiltshire Police.
"I'm pleased that the NSPCC have experienced advisors standing by to offer support to anyone for whom news of this investigation has rekindled troubling memories."
NSPCC chief executive Peter Wanless said: "It's important that people who believe they have been victims of abuse have the confidence to speak out knowing that their voices will be listened to.
"Whether abuse happened in the past, or is occurring today, whether those being accused are authority figures or not, allegations of crimes against children must be investigated thoroughly.
"While some people wait years before speaking out we would urge them to act quickly so they can get help as soon as possible. Our trained helpline counsellors are always on duty round the clock to listen and provide assistance."

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

I don’t think we can live without salt. Salt can not only spice up your dishes, but also become a cleaning tips. Have you thought of using salt to do some cleaning? If you say no, you will be amazed at what the post tells you. Prettydesigns is going to provide you with cleaning tips with salt.

Now we often use chemical products instead of some good old-fashioned stuff when we do our cleaning at home. In order to get rid of the harmful chemicals, why not take cleaning tips with salt? You can use salt to clean your kitchen, your bathroom and so on.
There are tips and methods introduced in the below post. Get inspired!

10 Cleaning Tips with Salt

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DIY project can save your money and low-cost DIY can save more money. In today’s post, prettydesigns will offer you DIY projects at low cost. You can get inspired to spice up your bedroom, bathroom, living room or backyard.
More information can be found in the links. Stay with us and make something useful in your budget.

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