Monday 11 May 2015

This PR consultant became one of the most hated people on earth overnight.

Justine Sacco, a PR consultant who once had only 170 Twitter followers, became one of the most hated people on earth with a single tweet she thought was funny.
In 2013, before heading to South Africa, she tweeted, "Going to Africa. Hope I don't get AIDS. Just kidding. I'm white!"
Tech writer Sam Biddle spotted the tweet, then retweeted it to the 15,000 followers he had, and it was all downhill from there. Thousands of people were outraged and the hashtag "#HasJustineLandedYet" started trending worldwide. Eventually, Sacco was fired from her position at IAC.
Later, she did an interview with British writer Jon Ronson where she said, "I thought there was no way that anyone could possibly think it was literal."

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