Tuesday 10 February 2015

The Rite Stuff: Sacraments, Ordinances, and the Christian Faith

In This Chapter

Discovering what sacraments and ordinances are and why they’re important

Looking at rites from the Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox perspectives

Exploring baptism

Revisiting the Lord’s Supper

Finding a balance between ceremonies and faith

This is a laid-back era. It’s not unusual to see people wearing Dockers, blue jeans, or cutoffs to work and church – this was unheard of fifty years ago. As someone who has grown up in these times, I certainly reflect that informal attitude. If I had to decide between wearing a tie and getting a root canal, I’d have a tough time figuring out which was the most unpleasant option. (I’d opt for the root canal – at least you get Novocain to deaden the pain.) Given the relaxed nature of today’s society, it’s not surprising that ceremonies are less important to people today than they were at perhaps any other time in human history. In days gone by, tradition was revered; today, younger generations often consider rituals uncool. Yet, in spite of the cynicism, ceremonies aren’t dead just yet; weddings, funerals, graduations, and the like remain ever-important public events that commemorate and honour the people involved. 

Rites, or solemn ceremonies, are important to any religion, and Christianity is no exception. A quick scan of the Bible shows you that rites have played an ever-present role in the lives of the Lord’s faithful, both in the Old and New Testaments. Christians believe that God ordained certain rites that all Christians should participate in. At the same time, Christians don’t all agree on the meaning of these rituals to their faith or even on what to call them. Many Christians call these practices sacraments. Others, such as Southern Baptists, flatly reject that term, identifying them as ordinances instead. Throughout this chapter, I use the terms “sacrament” and “ordinance” interchangeably. 

In this chapter, you explore what sacraments are and become acquainted with the wide spectrum of perspectives in the Christian Church concerning their purpose. You then discover the two ordinances that all Christians universally recognize – baptism and the Lord’s Supper – and the role that they play in a believer’s life.
Before getting started, however, I must offer you a word of warning about the minefield you’re about to enter. Sacraments are perhaps the most divisive issue in the Christian Church and are a primary cause for the historical split between the Catholics and Protestants (see Chapter 11). Therefore, although I stress the core beliefs of the ordinances that all Christians affirm, a sizable amount of the discussion focuses on the differences and subtleties of belief on these issues. But before you throw the book out the window or skip to the next chapter, let me urge you to hang in there with me for a while. I guide you through this minefield so you can get to know the rocky terrain without having an explosive detonate near you. Then, as you reach the end of the chapter in one piece, I close with a discussion on the importance of maintaining a balanced perspective, just like Jesus Christ did.

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